Anita: Welcome My Fellow Nibers

I swear if this woman ever gave up casting, i think it would be time to hang up the UKM boots and call it a day.

But luckily, just when you think you are stuck with hours of somebody sat watching tv, or Chris singing Raise me Up, along comes Sonchild196returns.

There has been literally hours of lulz from my favourite VL caster this week, and editing it all down into one post would be a nightmare.

But i think my favourite Sonchild clip this week has to be her explanation for David’s alleged hate for our beloved Anita.


So there you have it, David apparently hates her because she’s Nigerian (or a co*n as she calls them).

But wait, Anita’s not African, is she?


Now, we are used to seeing African tribes with huge earlobes, plates inserted in their lips, and their Clitoris’ hacked off.

But what tribal symbol is that, that she has around her neck?

Suppose it’s less painful than David inserting her best Sunday lunch plate in to her bottom lip!

3 Thoughts to “Anita: Welcome My Fellow Nibers”

  1. Tink

    LOL I love this woman <3

  2. Babs

    Crazy. But we wouldn’t have her any other way <3

  3. The_Maze

    She is unique, plenty of lolz with Anita.

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